Musculoskeletal Examination
Examination is a user-friendly textbook designed for students, physical
therapists and physicians. It is uniquely multidisciplinary in its
approach, being written by a physiatrist, physical therapist and
orthopedist. With tables and boxed features to emphasize and summarize
key concepts, and ‘sample examination’ boxes to highlight and test
difficult areas, it is ideal for teaching introductory courses yet
detailed enough for professional reference within clinical practice. It
includes an easy-to-follow examination process for all the joints and
spine, as well as combining biomechanics with physical examination to
enhance understanding of function.
This third edition includes more and better anatomy illustrations; over
850 illustrations, x-rays and MRIs are perfect as a quick reference
guide, while the detailed descriptions and clinically relevant examples
of frequently encountered conditions will help out even the most novice
The chapter on basic science, the brief overview of anatomy, and the
introductory remarks at the start of each chapter that provide a
biomechanical overview of the region featured, all ensure
Musculoskeletal Examination will help you gain the understanding
necessary to make a correct diagnosis and determine a successful
treatment plan for your patients.
Musculoskeletal Examination is ideal for physiotherapists, physiatrists,
orthopedists, medical students, practitioners and all those involved in
sports medicine and clinical massage
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