This latest edition
Recognized worldwide as the standard reference work, Dacie & Lewis
Practical Haematology is a must have reference for any haematology
laboratory. It covers all of the techniques used in the investigation of
patients with blood disorders, including the latest technologies as
well as the tried and true manual methods of measurement. It discusses
the principles of each test, possible causes of error, the rationale for
choosing one method over another and the interpretation, significance
and clinical relevance of these findings. Each chapter conforms to a
template, providing quick access to key information
Clinical work of haematology is fascinating - and is based on hard work
by colleagues, biomedical scientists and laboratory personnel
meticulously using exact techniques. Progress in diagnosis, treatment
and safety for the patients in the ward is only possible by correct
application of scientifically based analysis.
For more than 50 years
the spirit of "Dacie and Lewis" has influenced the laboratory field of
haematology. This new version of the classic textbook represents the
10th edition which continues to describe the many standard and novel
techniques by hands-on recipes, from basic principles to perfectionism,
including comments and pictures of pitfalls and critical interpretation
of results.
The methodologically laboratory basis for clinical
haematology is an aspect not often covered in medical textbooks in the
specialty. The tenth "Dacie and Lewis: Practical haematology" sets an
impressive record and continues to succeed to solve the task with an
excellent standard. --
European Journal of Haematology
This highly respected book now enters a 10th edition with a fitting
tribute to Sir John V. Dacie (1912 - 2005) who wrote the first edition
in 1950. fifty-five years on, it has grown in size from the original
slim books of 10 chapters in 170 pages, to become long-established and
regarded as the 'bible' of haematology texts and an essential reference
manual for all haematologists.
This latest edition is well
presented, with the added colour and changed format making the
information it provides easy to access and 'user friendly'. The tables
are clear and there are good quality figures of peripheral blood films,
bone marrow sections and electron microscope photographs.
book will remain the definitive reference source for established
haematologists, biomedical scientists and research students interested
in the scientific and practical aspects of haematology, and for trainees
in haematology who are particularly advised to read it before their
exams . it provides discussion on the selection of tests, interpretation
of results, their clinical significance, as well as possible causes of
error, thereby providing guidance for everyday clinical questions in
addition to aiding success in the MRCPath
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